Mirror, Mirror – 5e Edition (PDF)

Mirror, Mirror – 5e Edition (PDF)


Mirror, Mirror is an old school D&D adventure placed in a fairy tale setting. King Nuno has summoned the party to track down the missing knight Sir Lucan, who vanished just as his nemesis, Zeroun the Enchanter, escaped from prison. The fate of the kingdom, and the happiness of Princess Ardella, lie in the hands of our brave adventurers, but not all is quite as it seems.



Mirror, Mirror – 5e Edition

Mirror, Mirror is an old school D&D adventure placed in a fairy tale setting. King Nuno has summoned the party to track down the missing knight Sir Lucan, who vanished just as his nemesis, Zeroun the Enchanter, escaped from prison. The fate of the kingdom, and the happiness of Princess Ardella, lie in the hands of our brave adventurers, but not all is quite as it seems.

This fairy tale is marked by a cast of complex characters who turn classic fantasy tropes on their ear, and challenge the players to navigate intertwined NPC relationships and moral gray areas. There are plenty of locations to explore and enemies to vanquish, but all against the backdrop of a complicated web of conflicting NPC motivations. DMs must be ready to portray a variety of unusual characters and help their players navigate a plot that cannot possibly end with everyone living happily ever after.

While this adventure includes extensive opportunities for roleplay and can be completed without players ever drawing a sword, there are also mysterious locales to explore and dangerous monsters to fight. Three unique locations and six custom keyed maps are included for the party that chooses to infiltrate by stealth or force rather than negotiation. The author makes no assumptions on how any party may approach the challenges, and gives ample resources that will thrill players of any taste.

Note – This is the 5e compatible of Mirror, Mirror.  The old school / OSR version can be found here.

Layout - Town Map

Layout - Dungeon Map


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